2019-2020 Author Visits
陳沛慈小姐 - 來自臺東大學兒童文學研究所碩士班畢業。童年生活在雨港的嚴謹家庭,養成以閱讀餵養孤寂的習慣,內心嚮往陽光歡笑的叛逆女孩。目前白天是作育英才的老師,夜晚是以筆代劍遊走於文字世界的豪邁俠女。喜歡閱讀、看電影、吃美食、交朋友、分享歡樂;希望好人健康平安、世界充滿和平、寫出更多好作品。目前出版的作品有:《食神小饕餮》、《皺紋男孩與說謊女孩》、「小熊寬寬與魔法提琴」系列,以及「龍族英雄」系列等十餘本著作。
林哲璋先生 - 來自臺東大學兒童文學研究所。信奉淺語的藝術;響往writes cats and dogs!希望取悅「未來的大人」及「長大的小孩」!曾獲:《國語日報》牧笛獎、兩岸兒文獎、南瀛文學獎、吳濁流文學獎、東大兒文獎、臺中文學獎、教育部文藝獎、文建會兒歌一百優選、好書大家讀、小綠芽獎、九歌年度童話獎等。
Mr Chris Collin is a full time Australian author and publisher of funny, unusual, rhyming picture books. His books are designed with one thing in mind – to encourage kids and adults to read for the joy of reading through fun and funky books.
Mr Blair Reeve recited his funny picture book: Hogart, the Hedgehog Turns Nink to our Year 5 students. He did the voices of the different characters in a very entertaining way, and made the students laugh a lot. Students asked questions about how he wrote his book, and Mr Reeve talked about what gave him the idea for this story. He also shared how he and his illustrator friend developed the illustrations.