Library Catalogue
CKY library catalogue is the database of bibliographical information of our library collection, which includes books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and some electronic resources. Searching the library catalogue will not only help you identify resources that you want, but will also enable you to locate the most appropriate resources that you need. You may use either Chinese or English to conduct your search.
You may log in to your account to see what you have borrowed and whether you need to renew any items or not.
Read Carefully!
Please enter your student number without the letter s in front of the number and password after clicking on the button below. (Remarks: your number can be found on your student ID card, and your password is your birthday. For example, if your birthday is June 18, 2003, then your password is 2003618.)
CKY library catalogue is the database of bibliographical information of our library collection, which includes books, magazines, newspapers, CDs, DVDs, and some electronic resources. Searching the library catalogue will not only help you identify resources that you want, but will also enable you to locate the most appropriate resources that you need. You may use either Chinese or English to conduct your search.
You may log in to your account to see what you have borrowed and whether you need to renew any items or not.
Read Carefully!
Please enter your student number without the letter s in front of the number and password after clicking on the button below. (Remarks: your number can be found on your student ID card, and your password is your birthday. For example, if your birthday is June 18, 2003, then your password is 2003618.)